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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Life Church Facing Persecution of Christians in Belarus

The Belarusian government has closed the doors to humanitarian aid and continues to harrass and threaten any church that is not part of the National Church that is approved by that government.

New Life Church in Minsk is one such church that has come under extreme fire because it preaches freedom in Christ!  The church has wonderful and effective programs addressing the climbing divorce rate, the long seated alcoholism rampant in the country, and other relevant issues.

Tom and I personally know people in Belarus and have visited this particular church, as well as others in the region. The government wants to shut down 
New Life Church and has given them a deadline of 11 am Wednesday Dec. 5th to vacate the premises.  They have even listed the beautiful brick building as a "Cow Barn" in public records in an effort to force them off their land!

You can read about the church here:

Please unite and stand with our brethren in prayer and support of their fundamental right to gather and worship Jesus Christ!

Write or fax respectful letters asking for intervention.  (See my letters below as a model. )
Send Letters to:

Mr. Oleg Kravchenko
Charge d'Affaires a.i. 

The Embassy of The Republic of Belarus
1619 New Hampshire Avenue, NW.
 Washington DC 20009

Tel: (202) 986-9420
Fax: (202) 986-1805

RE:  Religious Freedom to Gather and Worship

Dear Mr. Kravchenko,

I am writing you sir about a very urgent matter, involving religious freedom in Belarus.  There is even now, a situation in the beautiful city of Minsk for which I respectfully request your intervention.  I am referring to New Life Church located at 220119, Minsk, Kovaleva Street, 72.

As you live here, as a Diplomatic guest of our fair country, I know you can see the beauty of a free society that can gather at will to worship without fear of reprisal from the government.  I also know that Belarus has a long history with many struggles for its own independence and ability to be Sovereign, so you too must value freedom!

But, right now the basic tenets of freedom for New Life Church are being threatened.  I am sure there is some thing that you can do, being in a position of influence, to intervene and straighten out this terrible travesty.

New Life is made up of good Belarusian citizens who love God and love Belarus!  They only want to see the country improve and the lives of its citizens improve.  They work to this end by holding marriage seminars and offering all sorts of good programs to help the people be productive, sober participants of society.  The church has in times past been erroneously listed in public land documents as a “cow barn.” Now, this brick church has received a mandate to close its doors and hand over its keys tomorrow at 11 am!  They have broken no laws, and the building was legally purchased and paid for.

I implore you in the name of what is good and honest and humane, to act quickly and intervene on behalf of your citizens sir!  Belarus is a beautiful, noble land, filled with lovely people.  They deserve to be able to worship God in buildings they own, following the Bible and living quiet and peaceable lives.  Help Belarus move forward in its quest for freedom and not continue with repressive acts such as the country has experienced in its history.

Thank you for your prompt attention and kind response.

Nancy Minor

And my letter to Sec. Ms. Clinton:

Secretary of State
The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Fax: (202)-647-3344

RE: Belarusian Government Persecution of Christians

Dear Madam Secretary:

My writing you today is with great concern of a currently escalating matter in Belarus.  I beg your kindest attention please!  I am sure that you are aware of the ongoing tightening grip with less and less religious freedom that is happening under the current governmental leadership there.

I wish to bring your attention to a particular matter.  One of which I am personally acquainted, and know of first hand.  New Life Church in Minsk is a thriving, vibrant church whose land and building were legally purchased some time back.  As the Church has grown, it has made dynamic strides for the betterment of the people it touches. They hold marriage seminars, pastors and leadership training seminars and personal growth meetings as well as regular church services.   They preach freedom in Christ, which apparently is a threat to the sitting governmental authorities.  For their faith in Christ, and not for any political disturbances, they have been hounded, tailed, and regularly brought before the Magistrates and threatened!  Even humanitarian aid coming into the country has been forbidden to them and those doors closed!

The government has tried unjustly to seize their plot of land for many years now, and indeed, have the beautiful brick building listed as a “Cow Barn!”  I have been to this church and I assure you, it is no cow barn!  New Life Church has now been ordered to vacate the building (which is paid for), under threat of “the full power of the law.”  They have until 11 am tomorrow, Wednesday December 5th to comply.  Letters of appeal by the church leadership have been written and thus far ignored.  See website:

Madam Secretary Clinton, I know you are very busy, and also in transition yourself, but PLEASE do not let this go unnoticed!  I know you have helped in other precarious situations and have been very effective. I humbly ask you; “Please intervene! Let your voice and powers of persuasion be put to full use here, for the cause of Christ and on behalf of the peoples of Belarus.”  Thank you.
Nancy E. Minor

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